A banana here, some biscuits there... hrmm...
Time for another outing to burn off all those calories consumed, otherwise mummy will need to buy a whole new wardrobe for me!!!
Weather was pretty gloomy yesterday, so we stayed indoors. Did some grocery shopping at Coles, I had some free yoghurt samples whilst being rolled around in the shopping cart!!!
Today, on the other hand, it was sunny and hot (by winter standards), so we went to Centennial Park for lunch.
Ran around with grandma, whilst waiting for a table...

Grandma had Salmon on a bed of lentil and vegetables... Whilst daddy had Eggs Benedict with mushrooms...

And I had my banana... Shoved it all into my mouth, yummyumm....
And I had my banana... Shoved it all into my mouth, yummyumm....
After that, I learn how to put all the sugar sticks into the cup... Yayyyy!!! Improvement in motor skills!!
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