Gonna post up photos of various weekend outings... in no particular order.
Our routine is quite routine, and really we only have 2 distinct scenarios...
Scenario 1: Rainy weekend
We will then head to a nearby mall, usually Eastgardens or Bondi Junction and go shopping + the infamous $2 car rides.

Usually, I will insist on playing with the umbrella for a good 10 minutes before getting into the car...

Sometimes we head to Playland in McDonalds... Got a lot of funky toys!

And a trip to the mall is not complete without a visit to the pet shop...

Scenario 2: Not a rainy weekend
We will then go for brekkie at a nearby cafe by the beach, followed by a walk along the beach or go to a nearby park. Sometimes we'll head to the markets if we're in the mood for some sausage sizzle!
Will post up some videos on a separate post!
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