Wow, time flies!
It's been 2 weeks and I'm back in Sydney.
Had a good trip in KL, spent lots of time with popo+grandpa and ah mah+kong kong+chor chor.
Also met up with my cousin Kayley who was very sweet to me... she let me play with her toys, especially her pink bicycle!
Had a good flight back to Sydney as well, slept most of the way and continued sleeping through the day when we got home.
Met up with my aunty Peg Jee on Saturday morning for some yum cha, but was too shy to interact with her.
There was a slight downside to the KL trip though, I got a few mozzie bites on my arms and legs and kept scratching at it... until it's now become infected!!! The one on my left calf have swollen to the size of a golf ball! Mummy got quite worried, so she took me to the doctor and I'm now on
antibiotics! Hopefully the swelling subsides soon :(
Mummy also put some "paw paw" cream on the bites, and I asked her "where is "grandpa" cream?". Hehe. I can be so punny.
OK, will update with some pics soon. Daddy bought me a Thomas train set from Toys R US. Yippie! :)
P/S Mummy AGAIN tried to toilet train me on the weekend and I pooped on the carpet!!!! Too bad mummy was too grossed out to take pics, so no pics to show you! I then proceeded to pee all over the bathroom floor. Hmmm... I think mummy needs to give me some pointers here heehehee.
EASY CLASSIC Apple Cobbler
21 hours ago
Hope your mozzie bites are better now.
Yeah! Much better already!!!
Thanks ah mah :)
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