1. Mummy been super busy at work
2. Mummy got exams next week
3. I've been sick
4. All of the above have resulted in us doing nothing much on the weekends, thus leading to lack of blogable material!
Today, however, mummy is on study leave and decided to update my blog cause she's taking a break (actually I think she's just procrastinating from her studying).
Anyways, it was Mother's day a few wkends back, so I made mummy a card!
Here's the front of the card - Nice or not?

And here's the inside! Love-shaped wan, but I look a bit funny in this photo!

Daddy also bought mummy a present - Cooking Mama Wii Game, too bad Aunty Ally is not here, I'm sure she would have loved this game coz it's very competitive. I'm not bad myself, I can do the "cracking egg" and "opening can" tasks.
Then, we had a buffet lunch at the Intercontinental Hotel,

of which daddy stuffed himself silly - he had entree - mains - dessert - mains again - desserts again - so many rounds of food!

Mother-daughter shot! (Eva's face blocked by the jelly bean in her hand!)

Family shot!

Since we haven't been up to much, mummy decided to do a bit of "research" to validate some comments that people have made - ie my face hasn't changed much since baby days.
Let's see here I am @ 6+ months
vs @ present

Look the same ah?!
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