Last Friday, my school had an outing to Flowerworld Organic Farm. As each child needed to be accompanied by an adult, mummy took the day off to go with me. She was worried there would be mosquitoes around so better to keep a watchful eye!!! Here I am, all dressed and ready to go! Photos are a bit blurry as they are taken with the blackberry. Camera charger still nowhere to be found!!!

Here I am, at school! This is a recent activity that I've been working on. It's a picture of myself and my height! Do I look like my drawing? Hehe.

We were also asked to bring some baby photos to school, to talk about how much we have grown! Can you spot me???

Here's my comments haha. I'm big, alright!

Yay, finally we are on the bus.. Let's go!!!

It was quite sunny when we arrived, so I've got my Pluto hat on! There are sunflower plants behind me...

Here's a closer look at the sunflower plants behind me!
Too bad they will only bloom in about a month's time!!!
And it takes only 3 months for these sunflowers to go to 2metres in height!

Behind me here, are strawberry plants... there was not much to pick, so we were only allowed to pick10 each! Ceh, how little!

And then, here's the flower garden with all kinds of scarecrows!

And here's a sunflower in full bloom.

It was snack time, so I was actually more interested in chomping down my food.

Here are some of my classmates and my teachers... Wang Lao Shi on the left, Miss Kathy on the right! I'm standing in between Ashley my best friend and Lucas.

Aww... holding hands!!!

Then, it was time to plant some sunflower seeds.

We had to get our hands dirty and put the potting mix into the holes!

Then, we got to take home a dwarf sunflower plant! Hopefully mine doesn't die in my care.. ehehhe. I already dropped it once right after posing for this photo!

After that, we went to do some weeding and planted some corn!

This was my favourite part of the outing! LOL! Mummy was not too amused with my dirty pants though!

Here are some corns already growing...

Then, we got to pluck a corn each.
I paired up with Lucian to pluck it.

We had to push the corn down, then twist it until it popped out!

As you can see, I'm taller than the 4 year old boys in my class (smug)...

After that, we all headed home... The End!
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