O hai!
This will be a rather long post as we had a weekend full of activity.
It was mummy's birthday on Halloween and both mummy and daddy were on leave so it was a long weekend for them.
On Saturday night, mummy and daddy went for a nice romantic dinner at a steakhouse in Admiralty, called Ruth's Chris.
Mummy had an 11oz fillet steak well done

And Daddy had a 12oz ribeye steak also well done

Rare romantic dining occasion

The restaurant was so sweet (no pun intended), and gave mummy a free molten choccie cake for her birthday!

Happy early birthday to mummy!
The next day, on Sunday, I decided to wear a dress with tights! What a nice surprise for mummy!

We decided to go to Wan Chai for some lunch, then we took the tram (for the first time!) to Causeway bay for my "catch catch game" time.
Managed to "catch" 2 huge jewels! Bliss!

That night, we baked some Betty Crocker instant chocolate muffins for fun, which turned out really nice!

On Monday, I finally got to wear my Halloween costume!
I chose a fireman costume... none of those Disney princess nonsense for me!
It even comes with props such as a fire extinguisher, an axe, a walkie talkie and a fire hose!

Then it was off to my school for the annual Halloween party!
We're all listening to Mr Tamby's instructions on how to make a handprint ghost!

First, you use a chalk and draw the outline of your hands
(look! I'm sitting next to a policeman!)

Next, draw some ghost-like face on the handprint

And finish off by writing your name at the bottom... ta dah!

Snack time!
Look, mummy drew a spider on my hand for me!

That night, we went trick or treating around the Parkview compound!
Didn't realise there were so many kids in the neighbourhood! And they all made lots of effort to dress up! Even the adults! I'm a bit distracted by the sweets.... crazy amount of sweets being given out!

My haul

It was a good haul indeed, excuse my while I chew on some sweets.

Last but not least, we celebrated mummy's birthday with a small little cheesecake (coz daddy's on a diet)

Happy birthday Mummy!!!
A fun filled long weekend indeed!!!