Mummy and Daddy were cruel to me today!
They bundled me into my stroller and I thought we were going shopping, so there I was laughing and squealing away. Little did I know, I was at the clinic, waiting in line to see the doctor for my 6-month vaccinations.
The doctor gave me two jabs. The first one, I didn't cry much. Somehow I think I didn't realise what was happening, but I was fully aware when the 2nd needle poked into my big thigh! I let out the loudest wail and kicked my legs hard! And some blood spurted out onto my nice new clothes (which daddy had bought all the way from Argentina - it's 9-12 months, but quite tight on me already) and also smeared onto mummy's nice white jacket!!!! Sob sob. That kinda ruined the whole day.
Think I was in shock for most of the morning, drifted in and out of sleep, and had little shivers in the afternoon. Didn't even bother to wake up for my milk. Boo hoo.
At least mummy and daddy had a nice time shopping the rest of the day. They went to Babies Galore and bought me a cot! It was on discount coz it was the display unit and had some scratches. But almost half price! And came with a free changing table. Hmm... they probably felt guilty for putting me through such an ordeal, and was trying to buy back me love! =) OK la, I forgive them...
Here are pics of my new cot! The colour is different though, mine is the golden oak colour. Hopefully I'll be able to adjust to sleeping in a cot. Quite used to having the double bed all to myself hehe :)
The cot is a 2-in-1: converts into a junior bed:

And this is the free changing table: