We ventured to Bankstown to watch daddy play basketball in the annual Corporate games.
Unfortunately, by the time we arrived, daddy was finishing his last game, which he lost!
It was a loss of 40 to 12 (poor daddy, captain of the team summore ^_^).
Here we are, inside the stadium. I was the youngest spectator there!!! Every other kid there was at least walking age already!
Oh, look carefully at this pic, becoz mummy sneakily cut my fringe shortly after whilst I was asleep!

Ta-Dah! Fringe is now shorter by an inch!!!

Were it not for the pink stroller I would definitely be mistaken for a boy! I look just like daddy when he was young!

Here are some pics of the action on the court... Try to spot daddy, I'll give you a hint, he's No 23!

Pic of the BATA All-Stars team! With a fan!