Here's an update on how Week 4 in HK is going...
But first, some important facts to note / celebrate:1) I'm 100000% toilet trained!!! *jumps for joy, swells with pride*
2) I no longer cry at school (actually have not been crying since week 1 lah)
3) I've started sleeping by myself *sigh of relief from mummy*
OK, now.. Let's talk about week 4 in the Fragrant Harbour land...
Well, first up, Grandma's here for a visit!
And she came bearing gifts in the form of Disney clothes! Weee.. I've got everything from Snow White to Minnie Mouse! Check out the new outfit below.. Thanks Grandma Popo!!! :)

Next, I received my FIRST homework from school. Mandarin lesson - collect pictures of Noses (is this the right plural for Nose?), it's called Bi in chinese. As usual, super competitive mummy has already done it (with my help of course) even though it's not due til next week!!!!

And today, 15 Oct - there was a special event at my school! International Fair Day. We were asked to dress up in our national costume and we were given a Passport each. We then had to visit different coutries booth to collect our passport stamp and also to understand more about the different cultures and activities.
Here I am, in my chinese costume with pigtails to match! Haha.

First up, we visited China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea!

There were all sorts of activities like calligraphy, and lots of local food to eat, ie dumplings, rice cakes, mochi, etc.

Then, we headed to the EU. Visited Greece, France, Germany, Swiss, Netherlands!
Here I am, colouring the Olympics symbol at Greece...

Oh look, the Eiffel Tower!

Mm... loading up on frankfurts at Germany...

Help, I can't stop eating them!

Then, we headed to Latin America - Brazil. Here I am, getting a stamp on my passport!

Over to Indonesia for some yummy food - nasi kuning, kuihs, onde onde!

And my favourite stops - Australia and New Zealand!

Proud to be Aussie! *waves Koala bear*

Last stop - UK and Ireland...
Getting a *whatchamacallit* painted on my arm (not sure what it's called, is it a shamrock???)

And in UK, we got to dress up like the Queen. Hehe, I've got the crown jewels!!!

And then, we got to make our own crowns!

I chose a purple one.

Sticking on the jewels and the blings :P

Ta dah! Done!

A bit too big for my head!

That's the end! Of the International Fair Day.
And on to other things... Finally, our furniture have arrived!!! Now, the task of unpacking and sorting begins!!!
Here's my room.. full of my stuff!

Guest room... where all the junk is currently discarded...

Master bedroom...

Dining room

Living room!

Phew... we're planning to clean and tidy tomorrow so we can move in on Sunday! *fingers and toes crossed*
Daddy still hasn't seen the new house yet, he's been working late the last couple of days!!! :(