Happy New Year!!!!
Can't believe we're in a new decade already!!!
Due to my love of Koala Bears, mummy decided to bring us to the Sydney Wildlife World @ Darling Harbour!
However, I started getting scared when I saw the posters outside showing pictures of crocodiles and other creepie crawlies...
In fact, we almost didn't go in until the kind staff gave me a little possum toy to cheer me up!
This was my scared face when going through the spiders and snakes section! We pretty much whizzed past this section.
Then, this was my petrified sulky face when we reached the crocodile section!
See how buoyant the crocodile is?
From the surface, you can hardly see it, but it's there, ready to pounce!
Crocodile, sinking to the bottom.
Just a bit of trivia, crocodiles do not need to come up for air, they can actually slow their heartbeat from 40beats per minute, to just 1 beat per 2 minutes, that way they can camp underwater and when they detect movement (fish, humans swimming, etc) they will pounce!
They can swim at speeds of 15kmh, don't pray pray!
They can swim at speeds of 15kmh, don't pray pray!
OK enough of crocodiles.. moving along...
Ahhh, finally! The koala bear and kangaroos section!!! Yay!!!!
Look, the koala bears are sleeping! Apparently they sleep 20 hours a day due to their un-nutritious diet of eucalyptus leaves! So they need to conserve energy! That's why koalas are very lazy creatures.
Here's one, munching on the leaves! Bit more trivia, koalas have 2 thumbs! It provides them a better grip when climbing!
The kangaroo looks dead when asleep! I was concerned!
Look, his paw is still upright!
To finish the post, here are our resolutions for 2010:
Daddy - To lose 10kgs in the next 3 months (not sure whether this is realistic or not)
Mummy - To pass all her CIMA exams and get a permanent job, and be a better mummy to me!
Me - Learn to ride my bicycle and improve my motor skills!
What new year's resolutions do you have? ;P
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