And within that time, I've managed to catch all the possible germs I could catch!
Still having diarrhea, but I think I'm slowly getting better. Pooping about 6-7 times instead of the usual 10 times a day!
Also still having cough and cold, doc says it might be another 3 wks before I recover fully from it all!!!!
Let me tell you what I did today... I slept the day away!
Woke up at 10 am, went back to sleep at 11 am until 12 noon. Then fell asleep again at 1 pm to 2 pm. And back to bed again at 6.30 pm until now! Not sure why I'm so tired, probably a side effect of being a sicky baby.
Oh, mummy's sick too! She must have caught my flu bug. She's having a sore throat and body aches. Ouch. Luckily grandma is coming soon to take care of us! Hehehe... there'll be someone else to change my diapers for awhile!
Alright, here's a pic of me and mummy, taken by mummy in the living room.... It's not very clear coz mummy's hand was shaky! Oh, and I've gained back the 300gms (and more!) that I lost earlier this week! Am now 7.3 kgs! *sheepish*

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